02 August 2009

i'm a blessing baby
ripped from the womb of
a woman notorious for
being not so obedient.
my first vowels were
something like redemption's
steady retreat.
my first love like
god's forgiveness and
fuck you
all in the same breath.
i read the bible straight through
i knew it took more
than shiny binding and
blinding red words to keep my attention
so i bought the version
with the pictures
and noticed jesus didn't look
anything ilke a terrorist
but he should have.
i'm not saint
i bless people with words i
don't even pretend to fully understand
but i understand that breathing
takes a hell of a lot more work
than speaking and if
dhaarma taught me anything
it's that we are all blessing
look here
your hand curves and emulates
the movements of god creating
your heart beats like the
drum song that bound
your mother's heart to your tiny hands
that moon you wished on every night
because you knew it was the biggest star
and could afford to lose
a little light
is blessed.

© 2009 Marcea L. Brown. All rights reserved.

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