10 November 2009

it's what i do... i dream

My girlfriend is a big case of writer’s block. I love her still though, even though I have to work harder and dig deeper into the archives than I ever thought I would have to. I keep trying to think to those days before I met her, what kind of state I was in. obviously, I can only write when I have sunk so low I can hardly see the bottom. I find it hard to swallow that my best writing comes at the worst points in my life. I think that now is the time to focus… so

I never finish anything.
Like learning to dance
Like writing in my journal
Like planning for my future
Like giving you all of me

I’ve always had this tendency
To leave the last piece for myself
Like the selfish lovedoll that I am
I always thought it would be enough
To sit with my legs crossed
And my mouth shut
Pretending to be the wife you always wanted
I’m selfish like that
So ridiculously frugal with my love
That I never took into consideration
The fact that every smile I gave
And every kiss I signed to you
Only made you want that last little piece of me

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