11 November 2009

it's what i do... i dream

Lovin is all I got
Normal, IL
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I don’t have a whole lot to offer you
Normally I would come bearing gifts
And promises
And I would tell you that I could give you the world
And help you make all your dreams come true
But today…
I found three pennies that I can rub together
To give you luck or wishes
Whatever you prefer
I have everything I own and everything I dream of
I have lullabies for nighttime
And my voice might creak and groan
My hands are yours to keep
They’re always cold and kind of small
But you could make them and mold them
Into whatever or wherever you want them to be
I have memories

I have this--
It’s been beaten more times than you can imagine
And there’s probably stains from pasts you don’t want to know about
It has a terribly old soul and you
Probably won’t want to check under the folds because
There are spaces covered with marks I used to give myself
and probably some that look like this one girl’s fist
I know that there are rips and tears and
It’s probably water-damaged
It’s not worth much
It’s my best though.
I have this place for you too
I removed the etch-a-sketch
And replaced it with sketching paper
And a felt, permanent pen
So I could feel every word being imprinted
So maybe
When you start writing all the answers
To the questions I never asked
But you know I’ve been dying to know
And have these, all these question marks
I have been saving them up for rainy days
And wandering
And they are yours.

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