24 November 2009

some things come true. god, for example

“Love held tight in a sonnet” – Moira

My hands don’t grasp things in
The same way they did when I was yours
I don’t stand awkwardly
And let things come to me
I just wade in nowadays
And hope that I don’t pass by
All the things I missed…
All the things I’m missing.
Don’t know the magnitude of
This opening and closing
This gulping of matter
This matter of feeling more than I’m used to
Doing more than I’ve ever done
To keep my head above loving
My head doesn’t shake no as hard
As it did when I was still
I have been moving now
For longer than I’ve loved you
I forget how my ancestors
Planted themselves
So they would not lose how they lived
So they would not miss one ripple in life....

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